
Friday, March 11 9:30–10:30 AM

Learning Science Through Exploration- A Practice in Taiwan

Moscone Center, 252 & 254


Students learned science through a variety of exploratory activities, resulting in greater interest in science and better performance on high-stakes tests.

Presenter(s): Chih-Che Tai (East Tennessee State University: Johnson City, TN); Mao-Cheng Lin (Guang Wu Junior High School: Hsinchu City, Taiwan)

FORMAT: Presentation
SUBJECT: General Science
GRADE LEVEL: Middle Level-High School








Session Abstract:
According to the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), Taiwan is one of the top performance countries in 4th and 8th grade science. However, the scenes beyond the spotlight are most of the students lose their interests in science due to an overemphasis on the preparation of the high-stakes tests. It is a challenge for teachers to promote science inquiry with considering a potential decrease in the test performances. Teaches at a public middle school in the northern Taiwan took the challenge and has implemented its exploratory curricula for ten years.The curricula consist of four seasonal activities including river tracing (spring), bike traveling (summer), mountain climbing (fall) and scuba diving (winter). In general, the students have benefited from learning science through social interaction, acquiring practical knowledge and advancing abstract thinking. Furthermore, it has also brought a positive impact to the students' academic performances. This implementation has been widely supported by the parents' association.